紫外灯 LC210-02 LC285 LC170 LC158 LC105 LC118 ELGA
紫外灯 LC210-02 LC285 LC170 LC158 LC105 LC118 ELGA UV Lamp LC210-02 LC285 LC170 LC158 LC105 LC118 ELGA flex
实验耗材1.5ml 离心管
免费代测肺部和活化控制趋化因子(PARC/CCL-18)试剂盒 021-55229872,65333639Western、荧光定量PCR技术服务
实验耗材PVDF膜(30cm×3m 0.45um)
免费代测大鼠血小板因子-4(rat PF-4)试剂盒 021-55229872,65333639Western、荧光定量PCR技术服务
TX-400 Rotor Adapters 75003683 Pack of 4 50mL Conical
TX-400 Rotor Adapters 75003683 Pack of 4 50mL Conical
Thermo Scientific™ iCAP Q 1301650 Sample probe, carbon fiber support, 1 mm ID, 150 cm, (gray marker) (1/4-28 fitting)
通过使用Thermo Scientific iCAP 7000系列ICP-OES的可拆卸Thermo 陶瓷D-Torch套件代替传统石英炬与iCAP™7000,降低与ICP-OES技术分析相关的一些传统耗材....